Avoiding physiotherapy can harm your overall health if you have a whiplash injury. Whiplash is a condition that causes the body to push forward and backward again. It can irritate joints and cause muscle spasms, injury of soft tissues, and severe pain.
Whiplash affects the upper body, especially the neck. If you are suffering from whiplash, meeting with a physiotherapist can help address your condition. Contact Granville Physiotherapy & Sports Clinic to schedule an appointment ASAP!!!
While you might feel safe even after an accident that can cause whiplash, some obvious symptoms can be seen. These include;
- Headaches
- Numbness and tingling in some parts of the body
- Aches and chronic, persistent pains in the neck, shoulders, and back
- Tiredness and dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Hard and painful movement of the neck.
- Delayed pain in the neck and shoulder region
- Weakness of the limbs and problems with sitting upright and walking
In checking for other symptoms, an MRI is used to identify nerve inflammation as a source of symptoms in patients suffering from Whiplash or its related disease.
There are different grades or levels of whiplash severity. Therefore, a grading system is used during the examination to check and eliminate symptoms when diagnosing a patient. However, most patients are diagnosed with grade one or two Whiplash.
Grade One Whiplash : Here, you can move comfortably but still feel pain.
Grade Two Whiplash : There is difficulty and restriction in movement, along with discomfort and pain.
Grade Three Whiplash : This is a combination of grade two Whiplash, severe soft-tissue injury, and possible neurological problems.
Grade Four Whiplash : There’s a severe injury and probably a dislocation to the neck area.
The amount of time it takes to recover from whiplash is determined by several factors. It could be the patient’s condition or an injury. These factors will influence the type of treatment or rehabilitation you receive from a physiotherapist. In most cases, full recovery takes between 6 and 8 weeks. If your symptoms persist after 12 weeks, you need to be referred to a specialist.
A physiotherapist has undergone training to help you deal with the pain caused by whiplash. In addition, they have skills with several treatment techniques to assist you in achieving an entire recovery state.
Since whiplash affects the muscles and tissues, your physiotherapist will examine the affected body area and ask some questions. At Granville Physiotherapy & Sports Clinic, we adopt different approaches to treat whiplash and help our patients recover entirely.
For your first appointment, your assigned physiotherapist will examine your affected body area using neurological, biomechanical, and musculoskeletal tests. They will also ask specific questions to understand exactly what has happened to your neck. Afterward, you will be given a personalized treatment plan. There could also be arrangements for follow-up appointments, depending on your condition.
Manual therapies (hands-on treatments) are administered to treat Whiplash. Pragmatically, this treatment helps reduce muscle tension while easing movement in Acupuncture and joint movements. In addition, exercises are also included.
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Granville Physiotherapy & Sports Clinic in Edmonton, Canada, has an excellent, proficient team of dedicated physical therapists. We offer comprehensive therapeutic treatment services for any pain or injury you may have. Our patients find comfort and a sense of solace in our services because of our team of efficient physiotherapists and our available technology and treatment routines.